Towards the end of December we hold our fundraiser campaign to help end of the year in the black.
This has been a challenging year for many. There is no doubt that the changes brought in the aftermath of the pandemic has hit each and every one of us in some way.
At Accuratica we felt charged to light a candle in this darkness. We focused on quality over quantity, and increased in acts of goodness and care. And above all, friendship for every collaborator and volunteering to help our community struggling small business that now can count on us to continue operating well.
Obviously, we need your help more than ever. Even though the income has dropped, yet the expenses increased substantially (rent, monthly payments, software licenses, hosting, etc.).
As we approach the end of the fiscal year, we ask that you partner with us by donating to our End of Year Appeal. We know that many of you are struggling financially, so anything you give will be greatly appreciated. Happy 2022!